But it’s real and devastating to many who are for ever ensnared in the memories of their experience in receiving it.
I consider myself to be lucky to have been bullied. BUT, only because I was one of the few who broke free. The few who say “NO MORE!!” and stand up to their aggressors and let them know that those bullies will no longer be tolerated as the deliverers of misery and pain.
At the point that I broke free, I was over 6 feet tall and my bully had been abusing me for 3 years. And it didn’t help that my family were seen as a ’tough’ family. No mother, she died when I was just a year old, 6 brothers and sisters and no income from dad, my future looked bleak.
Then one day, the bullying started as usual but on that day, I found resources that were deep within me, and let’s just say, I would never be bullied by that person again. And I wasn’t.
One of my mentors, Tolly Burkan, says many times, “your challenges are your gifts” and if you step up to the challenge, they are. My message to you is that there are resources within you that help you and there are resources that hinder you. But sometimes you need the challenges to really help you realise what’s possible. Only the challenges and your resourcefulness can help your abilities to be revealed to you. They were always there. They just needed a catalyst for you to be able to see them.